Monday, January 24, 2011

For You! (a giveaway)

Better late than never, I am so excited to share our little giveaway! We wanted to thank you all for your sweet thoughts, comments and emails since the beginning of December (when I had my appendix removed) until today (as we mop up water and lament all the hardwork our floors will need). I am hoping that our string of misadventures is at an end and we can finally get back to painting, hammering and planning our next move (let's hope it is the closet getting done!).
But amidst all this you have been patient, caring and helpful and this is the best way we can think of thanking you: sharing a collection of some of our favorite decor items.
The first item is our candle of the month. Not the 70% used one I have been burning all month just in case you were wondering, but a fresh, new Makassar Ebony & Peach candle by Voluspa.
The second item in the package is a framed book plate from 1857 depicting kelp and coral.
You may remember the other 15 plates hanging in our dining room until my giant mirror took their spot, but they will be making a comeback in the office!

The next item is geared toward all my fellow crafters! It is a 1940's book of French sheet music that has a few adorable illustrations like this one. I am a huge fan of paper wreaths and while I haven't had a chance to start on my own, hopefully someone can do this music proud! (we also have an alternative use for it in an upcoming post that is a little unique if you have enough wreaths already).
As you know, we love both plants and candles and one of our favorite ways to display either is in beautiful old soup tureens!
So of course we included a beautiful vintage tureen! But you have to promise to tell us how you use it.
And last but not least we have a 16x16 inch pillow cover from Sa-Sea boutique, identical to the one floating around our house (and currently residing on our bed). It is a whimsical touch that makes me smile everytime I look at it, and I hope you smile a little too when you find a spot for it.
So to sum it up, 1 lucky reader will win:
1 voluspa 3 wick candle tin
1 antique framed book plate
1 vintage soup tureen
1 book of 1940's French sheet music
1 16x16 inch crowned bee pillow cover
And all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite item of the group is!
*** for an additional entry become a follower of our blog and leave an additional comment. If you are already a follower please leave another comment as well!***
Good luck!
EDITED TO ADD: The closing date will be Friday, January 28th at 8pm pacific.


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Rebecca said...

It may very well be that tureen! But I'd love a whiff of the candle, too!

m @ random musings said...

the soup tureen!

Sarah said...

The french sheet music is amazing! I would got nuts with the Mod Podge!

Sarah said...

I'm a follower =)

Itchin' Stitchin' said...

Oh what a lovely giveaway! I think I like the vintage soup tureen the best but it was hard to pick.

ninniemuggins said...

I'm not sure if I like the book plate or the pillow cover more...but all of it is fabulous!


Itchin' Stitchin' said...

I am a follower of your blog

ninniemuggins said...

And I follow your blog in Google Reader!


Unknown said...

Oh Fun! I love the pillow the best! What a fun giveaway!

Andrea @ Life Love Larson said...

My fave item is the soup toureen! Love how simple it looks with white candles!

Andrea @ Life Love Larson said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

My favorite has to be the candle - I love it! The black wax is beautiful.

Ashley said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! While I am in love with everything, the candle is what I am eyeing. I adore candles, probably a little too much!

Amnah said...

The vintage soup tureen is lovely!

Lorraine said...

What a fun giveaway! I'd use the soup tureen for keys and other bits of life on our dresser.

Amnah said...

Already a follower :-)

Lorraine said...

I'm a follower, too!

Ashley said...

Oh and I am a follower!

Mrs. Frazier said...

I loooooove the soup toureen!

A Noble Effort said...

Oh there it is?! I bookmarked the chest with the 15 frames and topiaries, but lost it. I searched for and never found it. UNTIL NOW! Thank you!

But please help.....are those topiaries live? If so, what are they, and how did you keep them alive?

Joy D @ A Glass Act said...

I love the candle and the tureen!!!! So great!!! Pick me! Pick me!!

Joy D @ A Glass Act said...

And I'm already a follower =)

Alyssa said...

Oh I love all candles, and that is one of my favorite brands~

Alyssa said...

I'm also a follower!

Ashley said...

I love the crowned bee pillow cover!

Ashley said...

Oh and I am also a follower!

Cherish Stockdale said...

My favorite is the candle & the music book

Cherish Stockdale said...

I follow your blog :)

Jackie said...

I love everything, but especially the framed plate.

Leslie said...

Hmmm... I think I have to go with the candle.

Jackie said...

Oh, and I'm a follower!

Leslie said...

Forgot to mention that i am also a follower!

Unknown said...

A Noble Effort, thanks so much, the plants are real and are Myrtle topiaries. They are pretty easy going plants, but the need to be watered daily. Since I am a chronic over-waterrer it is a good combo for me LOL.

slip4 said...

The soup tureen is my favorite, but the whole package is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I loveeee the soup tureen!! I can't ever find a simple plain white one!!

Anonymous said...

I am a long time follower!! =)

Sarah Crosby said...

Loving the candle and tureen!!! Such a cool giveaway~

Sarah Crosby said...

I am a follower already!!

Brynne said...

My favorite thing has to be the candle! I love those, but can never justify splurging on one.

Loui♥ said...

Toss up between the candle..
and the soup tureen..
love all the selected items..
bot most especially..
your generosity!
warmest hugs..

Jen said...

i have to pick 1!! i want them all are soo sweet. i especially love the tureen and the pillow cover! hope everything around your abode starts to fall into place.

Jen said...

and i'm a follower of course!

Loui♥ said...

I am a follower..
have been for a long,LONG time!!
hugs again..

Sarah said...

I LOVE the soup tureen!!

Sarah said...

I am also a follower! : )

Shades of pale said...

meee loves it all!(hope that counts)
Im gonna blog about it too!
xo Jenny

Melissa said...

love your blog!

Melissa said...

& I'm a follower! =)

Shades of pale said...

ohh and im sure you know im a follower.

Shaina said...

Love them all, esp the soup tureen, what a great find!

Karen said...

I love the soup tureen, too. And I am a follower in google reader.

Sami said...

What a lovely giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity win. ;)

Sadye said...

Love the tureen!

Sadye said...

i follow the blog

Kate said...

I love the antique framed book plate and the pillow- sorry I couldn't pick just one :) Love your blog and find a lot of inspiration from reading it!


................. said...

Oh I love them all...but the candle has got to be my favorite since we have to burn candles constantly at our home because of 2 stinky cute pugs haha ;-) Oh, and it's going to be ALL positive for you from now on :-)

LifeBegins@Thirty said...

The candle for sure! Love your blog :-)

................. said...

I'm a follower ;-)

christine, just bella said...

So many great goodies! I'd love it all - especially the book plate and pillow.

christine, just bella said...

And I'm a follower :)

Jessica said...

I love it all, but especially the french book of sheet music!

The Farmers Nest said...

The candle for me would be exciting. I always wonder what your candle of the month smells like so I think it would be fun to actually find out.But of course all of the items are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I love the bee pillow cover! I have the perfect spot for it :)

sam said...

I am swooning over the tureen.

Anonymous said...

The pillow for sure - lovely!

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo following!

Amanda said...

i can hardly contain my excitement over your giveaway AND another peak at the master bedroom! LOL. ;)

i'd have to say the bookplate would be my favorite since i HAVE to pick just one fave. Jack's room is done, for now, and it would look amazing over his little desk. :) as soon as the sun decides to shine (could be months from now), i'll photograph and post about it. until then, i'm sharing all of the ghastly "before" pictures today. yikes!

you know how i love your feedback so i look forward to what you think of it all. :)


Alison said...

how fun! I am loving the sheet music--perhaps blowing it up and featuring some excerpts as art on my son's wall? LOVE.

Kristie P. said...

My favorite is the tureen. But it is all so wonderful :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Alison said...

and I'm a longtime follower!

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great giveaway! i am not sure which is my fave! i do love the soup tureen, and the pillow, and that sheet music is sweet! thanks for the chance!

Melissa said...

hmmm it's a toss up between the soup tureen and the bee pillow....although that candle sounds delicious....who am i kidding they all are great! but i would have to say those are my 3 favourites!

Anonymous said...

i am a happy follower!

Amanda said...


*life in the fun lane blog stalker*

*reno creeper*

*huge fan/admirer*



Kristie P. said...

I am also a follower. I LOVE that you are working your way back into the swing of things. Good luck with the floor!

Melissa said...

i'm a follower!

Unknown said...

Oh, the sheet music!

It's part of the theme for our upcoming October wedding!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the tureen- simple and lovely. Lots of uses for it, too!

Unknown said...

My 2nd post, since I'm a very happy follower of your blog! One of my favorite things in my Google Reader!:)

Danielle, Brendon & Daniel said...

I love and candle and the pillow!!! However, I LOVE IT ALL!

Ashley said...

Tough choice, but I have to go with the 1940's French sheet music!

share the experience said...

My favorite item is the soup tureen - I love white!


I love the white soup tureen ~ but it is a hard choice amongst all that loveliness.


Mostly Food and Crafts said...

The soup tureen is my fave!

alli said...

Oh my! How do I choose. I think I would have to go with the Voluspa candle.

Rachael said...

It HAS to be the candle. I am obessesd with that scent. I have only been able to find 1 in the last 3 months.

lyndafitz said...

I adore the soup tureen!!!!!!! Thanks for ths very cool and generous giveaway!!!! Lynda

Rachael said...

I love the pillow cover. It's darling!

Nancy said...

I love the sheet music!

Nancy said...

And I am a follower!

Jennifer said...

I'm loving the sheet music! But it all is wonderful

Rebecca said...

I love the candles! :)

Jennifer said...

Also I'm a follower!!

Unknown said...

Ummmm I love it all... :)

BumbleBeeLane said...

So many pretties.I adore the bee pillow cover.Warm Blessings!~Amy

BumbleBeeLane said...

I'm a follower! Warm Blessings!~Amy

Krystle said...

Oh I love all of it, but my fave would be the vintage tureen. (Smiling while visualizing it filled with succulents sitting on my side table! :) )Great giveaway!

Emily said...

Oh my, it's hard to choose! The book plate would be lovely in our beach themed bathroom, I always love candles, the pillow cover would go in our guest room on one of the winged chairs, and I would love to copy you and plant paperwhites in the tureen. My favorite, I have to say, is the French music. So many possibilities!

Mindi said...

Such a great grouping! I think the soup tureen... no wait, the candle... no, the pillow would look amazing on my bed... oh, but the antique music and book plate! Ahh! I need it all!

Mindi said...

I am a follower!

Krystle said...

I am also a follower :)

Emily said...

I'm a follower!


Unknown said...

The soup tureen! I just got out all my white ceramic bowls to put fruit in the kitchen, this would look perfect :)

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

The tureen is my favorite! so pretty and chic!

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

Following publicly in my google reader! <3

Anonymous said...

That's a tough one...but I think the soup tureen first and the pillow second! Thanks!!

Unknown said...

The soup tureen! I just got out all my white bowls in the kitchen to put my fresh fruit in. The tureen would look perfect :)

Julie Ranee said...

The vintage sheet music . . . I'd love to make a wreath!

PamH said...

A tie Between the music and pillow! I've been dying to make a paper wreath!

Jenny said...

The candle

PamH said...

A tie between the paper and the pillow! I've been dying to make a wreath!

PamH said...

I'm a follower too!

Emma said...

Oh what a great giveaway! My favourite item would have to be the candle, it looks amazing :)

lily field furniture said...

You always have me drooling for your candle of the month! GREAT giveaway!

lily field furniture said...

I am also a follower :)

Lynn said...

I am a follower.

ljyoung85 said...

Tough choice although I think the vintage soup tureen is gorgeous. I could find lots of uses for it!

Beth R said...

Why make me choose?? I love it all but I have to say that tureen is amazing!

ljyoung85 said...

I'm a follower.

Lynn said...

I love voluspa candles - they are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

Allison said...

Loving the sheet music!!! What a great find. Thanks for a lovely giveaway and so glad you're feeling better!

Allison said...

I'm a follower also!! thanks again!

Red Door Home said...

I am a happy follower :)

Red Door Home said...

Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I promise to share a picture of the urn in its new home if I win!

Trips said...

Yea!!! I would love that candle because I go thru candles like crazy. It almost looks too gorgeous to burn though.

Ashley's Thrifty Living said...

I'm a follower! :)

Trips said...

I am also a follower!

Ashley's Thrifty Living said...

I think I would have to say the candle. Although I do love them all! What a lovely giveaway!!

Jessica said...

Hey Holly! I would have to say the sheet music is my fav. It is beautiful and vintage and has so many uses.

Fingers crossed....I REALLY want to win this one lol

Anonymous said...


My fave is the Queen Bee pillow cover with the candle as a close

Marika said...

hard decision - but i think the framed sea print! especially since i am already debating where it would look best in my house...

Rachael said...

I'm a sucker for the soup tureen! I can see it as a gorgeous centerpiece on the dining room table already.

Courtney said...

What a great giveaway. I'd have to say the sheet music. My brain keeps coming up with ways to use them and I am not at all creative. I can only imagine what my mother in law would suggest to do with it (interior designer).

courtney.mommieblogs at gmail

Anonymous said...

I'm now a follower too!

Rachael said...

And I'm already a follower! Good luck with the water damage recovery.

lauren @ gathering moss said...

so hard to choose just one...but i'll say the framed print!

Marika said...

and i am already a loyal follower! you make me wish i lived in canada instead of alaska just so i could purchase some of your lovely items!

Courtney said...

I follow your blog!

courtney.mommieblogs at gmail

Paint Me White said...

Holly this is THE COOLEST GIVEAWAY how generous of you. I would love the opportunity to enter please. Ok my favourite would have to be the Voluspa candle because the scent that it would give through my home would be amazing and long lasting. That turen is my second pick I would fill it up with gorgeous shells. Thankyou Sandy x

Shannon said...

What a fun giveaway and it's hard to find my favorite when they are all so great! Maybe the soup tureen??

Paint Me White said...

I am an addicted follower of yours too. Sandy x

carla said...

Hi!!! I am a follower and I love all of your items...but the sheet music would be wonderful to have!!! hugs

Martine said...

I like the vintage soup tureen the best.

jrene said...

What an AMAZING giveaway - you're so great! I've been super into French sheet music lately for tons of projects so that would probably be my favorite! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow it's so hard to choose but I think I love the soup tureen the most and then the pillow slip ;) Thanks for a fantastic giveaway. Fondly, Roberta

jrene said...

I'm a follower! :)

Martine said...

I am a follower, thank you for the lovely giveaway.

min said...

i love the vintage soup tureen!!

thank you so much for your blog i am a HUGE fan!

min said...

i also follow your blog via google reader! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I'm a follower and would love another chance to win ;)

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my favorite is the soup tureen! The candle is a close second. I would love to plant some gorgeous flowers in that to spruce up our tiny apartment!

Anne said...

I love the pillow!

Erin H. said...

I love the soup tureen!

Erin H. said...

I'm also a follower!

Sara D said...

It would be a tie between the candle and the tureen! Hope I win!

Sara D said...

I am also a follower!

Anonymous said...

I love the tureen!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Sandra said...

Oh my the tureen for sure. Place of honor at family get togethers!! xoxo

Sandra said...

I am a follower! xoxo

slip4 said...

Oh, and I am a happy follower!

yours truly, melissa said...

All are fabulous items, but if I had to choose I say the soup tureen!

hood said...

have been loving those candles since you first post on them!

hood said...

i'm a follower too!

Anonymous said...

Fun, fun, fun! I would love it!

yours truly, melissa said...

I am an official follower, although I've been subscribing to your blog in my google reader for quite some time!

Plumberry said...

what an amazing give-away! i love the tureen!!

Plumberry said...

oh, and i'm already a follower so i'll comment twice!

Anonymous said...

I'm also a follower - and love checking up on your blog daily!

Anonymous said...

I love the soup tureen! It's wonderful.

Deb said...

Lovely giveaway. Count me in!

Deb said...

I'm a follower too!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Anne said...

love the tureen - lots of fun display options there!

Lindsay @ whimsy.girl said...

I am a longtime follower, but just became an official follower! Love your blog!! I just started blogging and it is so much fun!!

My favorite thing...hmmm??? It is a toss up between the pillow and the tureen...of course I love the candle too! I can see the tureen used in so many different ways and I can see the pillow looking so cute in my daughter's new room!! :)

The S's beach house said...

The soup tureen and the candle!
But I do not mind the other lovelies either!

Samantha said...

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!! My favorite item is the soup tureen because it's such a classic and beautiful shape... so many uses!!

The S's beach house said...

Already a follower! Yay!

Sole said...

Oh, my..I love it all however, if I had to choose just one, it would be the vintage soup tureen! What a great giveaway, thank you for the opportunity! :)

grace said...

I love the book plate!

CeCe said...

I'm a follower and I love the tureen!

Sole said...

Oh, and Im already a follower! :)

Unknown said...

That tureen is great! I want it

The Delight of Home said...

my fav is the book plate, but the whole bunch is amazing!

Maca said...

MY favorite has to be the tureen. Don't get me wrong. I have ideas for each and every item in this giveaway set but wouldnt that tureen be fantastic for jewelry? I just love it!

Lindsay said...

My faves have to be the candle and the pillow cover.

Fishtail Cottage said...

Fun - i love all of it....i would say the soup tureen, or the pillow! can't decide between the two! xoxo

Rebecca Reznick said...

I love the coral print.

L said...

The soup tureen is great! Tough pick!


L said...

I'm also a subscriber!


Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said...

I love the bee pillow cover!

Kim said...

i love the candle!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow..

I love the candle, the print is beautiful and the tureen, oh my.. so much too choose from.. I think the tureen would be the ultimate pick. Who owned it, what was made in it? etc etc.. I love vintage


Erin said...

Thanks for the giveaway! It's hard to pick a favorite, but I'd have to say I really like the soup tureen!


Erin said...

I'm a follower!


Alisa D said...

Love love love the tureen. But really, love it all!

Alisa D said...

I am a follower!

Tabitha said...

Love the pillow!

Trisha said...

I am your newest follower and am really enjoying looking through all your wonderful posts!!


Trisha said...

I definitely love the soup toureen...the possibilities are endless!!


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