Friday, January 22, 2010

Yup, I did it! Team Brunette baby!

If you didn't know it already, I loathe taking pictures inside, at night, with the flash. Hate it! But I decided to share tonight as I am sitting here by myself on a Friday night, while Wren is napping and I am getting caught up with all my emails.

Kind of feels strange to see such a big change, but it am really loving it.

Besides snapping some pictures of unpainted furniture for clients, dropping of a few items at to be shipped to new customers down south and hitting some of my hot spots to pick up new inventory I also decided I wanted to give myself eyelash extensions.

Naturally I was blessed with really thick and long lashes, but I thought I would try a little added drama. Plus it really makes it easy to wake up in the morning, throw on a little blush and walk out the door (I am really clueless when it comes to makeup). No muss or fuss! I went with just 4 individual flares on the outter edges of each eye which only took 5 minutes but will last for 5 weeks! I am not sure what the salons even charge for this nowadays, but it was easily the best $5 I've spent all week!

Have a great Friday night!


Rayia said...

I LOVE the new look! You look beautiful!

Amber said...

Love the dark hair! When you guys come to California can you bring one of your pieces along with you! ;)

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

It's beautiful on you. Did you do your brows too because they match so well.

Angelica said...

WHAT!? You can do eyelash extensions at home? I'm sure I'm not the only one that is going to ask for details on this. Spill Holly! :D

Courtney said...

You look great!!! I'm very partial to brunettes ;)

lisa said...

Wow.Stunning Holly!

Ange said...

Totally georgous!! And yes - please share your eyelash secrets!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

You look dropdead gorgeous. Now you know you are going to have to tell us how you applied those eyelashes.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much ladies!
As for the lashes, they are SOOO easy and unexpectedly natural looking. You will probably only find the proper adhesive (not just temporary lash adhesive) at Beauty supply stores or online, but these are the lashes:

and this is the type of adhesive:,default,pd.html

Definitely don't be afraid to try it! (but keep some of the adhesive remover handy incase you don't like the placement as it dries).

Angelica said...

Thanks for the info Holly! Looks fantastic, I definitely want to give it a try. And welcome (back?) to the team! Lol.

Anonymous said...

you look great! ok! you have to tell me your secret for the eyelash extensions that cost only $5! pretty please!!!

tiffany nicole said...

Holly-you look fabulous as a brunette! Beautiful!

And thanks for the eyelash tips--I will definitely be trying these out!

Juliana said...

You look AAAAAAmazing. Darn it, I wish I had the guts to do that. I have made my hair dark many times, but I always go back because I am a chicken. You could probably have blue hair and still look wonderful!

Amber said...

WOW Holly you are gorgeous!! How did you do that at home!? I would probably mess up my eye!

MrsKBJ said...

You look beautiful!! I will have to check out those eye lash extensions!


MrsKBJ said...

Can you still use mascara or will that ruin the extensions?

Unknown said...

You can use mascara Kelly! You just have to use a non-oil based makeup remover, because oil slowly dissolves the adhesive and they would probably only last a week or two then. But I have never used a makeup remover that is oil based so I think most of us would be safe~

MrsKBJ said...

Thanks Holly! I think I will have to try them! Did you order the combo, long, or medium?

DustyLu said...

love the hair so much easier to take care of then being blonde! great eye lash extension! good job on putting them on. ive tried those suckers before and there tuff to apply. iam not so good a makeup either...lulu

Unknown said...

I just bought all mediums since my lashes all seem to be the same length~

Amanda said...

Holly, you're just as beautiful as you are sweet. And we all know how sweet we think you are so beautiful is nearly an understatement. The lashes are perfect. And so true that it makes it easier to throw on some blush and head out the door. I'm thinking I may attempt this tomorrow after my much needed hair appointment! So cute of you to share. Have a great weekend!

Kristin said...

LOVE the new look!!!! Fabulous!!!


Anonymous said...

I went from blond to dark a while ago. It seems to make the eyes pop more. I was thinking the other day of going blond again. Now Im so confused! I will try the eyelash thing though. You look stunning!

Krystal Wight Armstrong said...

Wow, you're really good at taking pretty portraits of yourself. And did you do your own hair-color, too? Amazing result on you! I have virgin hair, never colored, but I love the auburnish tint of your brunette shade :)

...So is it also true, you are shipping items 'down south' now? Not just delivering locally? Does it happen to extend as far south as TX?

Additionally, I had no idea the pics were with eyelash extensions- they look beautifully natural! (Will you tell Sean, or just surprise him and see if he notices?) Thanks for sharing details & the links... Have you done this before, do they come with good instructions, or is it really just that easy? I have to try it! I also wondered if the adhesive remover came w/ the adhesive too, I couldn't tell in that description of the product- just thought I'd ask. Oh, and I know we've all got different lashes but I wondered if you got black or brown, just curious... 'cause you're a great model for them.

Anyway Enjoy your weekend, too! (What are you doing by yourself on a Friday night, anyway?)

Jennelle said...

You look gorgeous no matter your hair color. :) So you did the extensions yourself? That's awesome! Salons charge an arm and a leg for stuff like that; I occasionally get mine tinted since they are completely blond so I look ridiculous without mascara.

Sherrie said...

Your hair is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Did someone do your hair for you? And I need more details on the eyelash extensions! They look amazing! I also was blessed with long and think lashes, but I hate putting on mascara and have been wanting to try something new!

Heather said...

I've been thinking of leaving team blonde (which I've been on for 32 years!)

What a wonderful transformation, and I'm loving the look of your eyelash extensions.

Unknown said...

You look great!

What hair colour brand and shade did you use?

Also, share what make up your wearing (if any), your skin looks flawless!

Mary said...

Love the brunette! So elegant looking...and maybe I am a little partial to "team brunette" anyway. ;o) And the lashes are fabulous, I think I may just have to try those! ~mary~

Lauren @ with two cats said...

It looks great Holly! Very natural. I am already a lighter brunette but am thinking of going darker. Wish me luck!

Heather said...

It looks great! Wait!!!! Those are partially FAKE lashes? Really? I'm amazed!

Gina said...

A natural beauty (yes even with the couple of extra lashes lol)! Hair looks fabulous..thanks for sharing!

Jen Madigan Photography said...

I love it Holly! You look great.

Jaclyn said...

You look great!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much everyone!! Your compliments totally made my night~

Suzy, no makeup on but blush and a very tiny amount of brown eyeshadow just above my upper lash line. The hair color is actually a salon brand called Ion and the toner is just medium brown and I used a 20 volume developer. If you are an aesthetician or know one they can pick it up at one of their suppliers.

Krystal, you do have to buy the remover seperately. But I didn't even need it (I am not lying, it is THAT easy!). And the lash color is brown~

For all you blonds debating on switching teams, I will be here to welcome you over LOL

Angie said...

Gorgeous! Love the dark hair! ;)

The Real Estate Talker said...

You have my curosity peaked. I have been going back and forth from your site to the lash extension site. I am going to buy some. Another question, hope you don't mind. The last extensions, do you get the whole container or are you buying individual lashes?
Thanks, Cheryl

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl! I bought the whole thing so that I can reapply as they slowly fall out with my own lashes~

Unknown said...

LOL - Another question, what brand/colour blush are you wearing? Your quite fair skinned like me, I struggle to find something that works :S

Crys said...

I love it!!

Unknown said...

Suzy, this will tell you how often I update my makeup drawer but my blush is by Club Monaco. I am pretty sure they stopped selling make up like 10 years ago LOL. My other favorite is the bronzing brick compact from Bobbi Brown:

bagfashionista said...

LOve the hair! but then again, i'm partial to dark hair ;)

And $5?? That's a heck of a good deal!

Unknown said...

Thanks!! :)

christa Baca said...

Love it! Bought some lash extensions yesterday and I can't wait to try them out.

Jen said...

Welcome to the Dark Side! I am currently President of the Salt and Pepper Association and am always glad to welcome a new member. It's very fun to be a brunette. We are so glad to have you on our side!

Tawney said...

Brunettes Rock! The color matches your skin tone wonderfully.

Dana said...

I went to college with a girl who is your twin. I at first, when I saw your pic, thought that you were her! You don't happen to have family in Richmond, Va - do you?

Jill said...

Love the dark hair! Looks great and I love those lashes too!!!

Donna said...

Just found your all the reinvented pcs - really beautiful! By the way, if you want to take photos at night, inside, and you ahve a DSL camera - put your ISO setting on the highest possible setting, get better photos - although I think these turned out pretty good with a flash!!!

Kristin said...

You look gorgeous!

Danielle said...

You are totally rocking the brunette

~ Kelly Ann ♥ said...

Looks wonderful- Glad to have on our team-(brunette's)

Emily A. Clark said...

I realize this is a random comment but did anyone ever tell you that you look like Marla Maples? :) I totally mean that in a good way. . .

Just catching up on your blog; haven't visited in a while but I am loving it!!!

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