Thursday, January 14, 2010

If you are not familiar with Jessica and her wonderful blog, Make Under My Life, then I highly recommend you head over and get inspired! Every week she asks a guest to write about their life intentions in a guest post called Design My Life and I was very excited to be asked for this weeks post. It was a very thought provoking exercise and definitely required me to open my eyes a little and consciously come up with some plans.

Thanks Jessica!


tiffany nicole said...

You did a great job on your post--loved the pictures and all your wise words! And I especially liked the part where you said you need to know your priorities before you can make your goals. I loved it! So wise and just what I needed to hear, as I am still struggling with what I want to focus on this year! Thank you...

Rita Mireles said...

First of all, I LOVE, LOVE your blog. It always makes me smile!!

I know what you mean by limited space. My sun room looks like your garage. You should have people link up and show their "Treasure To Do" list. It might be fun to see what awesome furniture others have!!

wishful nals said...

thanks for sharing! i am going to check it out!

DustyLu said...

Love your blog and all the great ideas! Thanks for the post esp..iam on it to somehow help!

Jess Constable said...

Thank you so much for doing this post, Holly! I loved hearing your thoughts and intentions!

Jess Constable said...

Thank you so much for doing this post, Holly! I loved hearing your thoughts and intentions!

Dayka Robinson said...

I really enjoyed your post. Life is really quite interesting, too. It's funny how someone you don't know can be going through some of the same struggles as you are, but most of the time you never know because people aren't always honest about where they are. I completely agree with you about the job thing--it's hard not to get caught up in the title, but so important to remember that loving what you do it the goal! Congrats to you for creating a life that resonated with you at a deeper level!

Amanda said...

Funny how much of a burden/stres something as simple as a wet towel on the bathroom floor can cause for some people, huh? This was JUST what I needed to be reminded of in many areas of my life and living simply. How darling of you to share with all of us!

Krystal Wight Armstrong said...

That was a beautiful headshot of you we hadn't seen before. Did Sean take it of you? Looks like it belongs on the back of your next great book or something :)

Anyway, that post was really lovely. I admired how thoughtful it was and how generous you were in opening up those things to strangers that it might resonate with, too.
I usually have so many ways I want to respond, and type too much out, so I'll leave it at that.
Thank you for sharing.

aLena said...

Holly I LOVED your post and those gorgeous pictures!

btw I left a blog award for you on my blog to express my {secret} love for you ;)

Katie Brown said...

Great post, Holly. I've never posted a comment before, but I love your blog--your work is so inspirational to me! It makes me want to create and paint my furniture! Thanks for sharing your intentions with the world!

~ Kelly Ann ♥ said...

Lovely!!!! Seriously you could sell the 2nd image as a print- so elegant and eerie at the same time-I love it!! Let me know were to sell this print -- it may sound weird but I think great print!!! Have a lovely weekend!


Unknown said...

The one with the light fixture Kelly Ann? I would be happy to email you the high-res image if you want to use it~

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