Today I trekked out through the back yard to snip some greenery. I think my favorite part of the holidays is definitely the simplicity of boughs of evergreen draped throughout the house. The scent it divine and the pop of color is so fun against all the white.
And speaking of green and white, my paper white bulbs have blossomed! They smell beeeeautiful and looked fabulous until today when they decided they preferred to grow on a sideways slant, even with some ribbon and a stake...
We are keeping the holiday decor to a minimum this year and I am sad to report that we won't be putting up a tree. (Take a peek at our tree from last year here)
But I am willing to fore go the tree at home since we are going to be in sunny Palm Springs for the holidays, although I know we will have one there. I am one of those people who really love snow around the holidays, even if it means I have to live with it for 4 more months afterwards, but I am looking forward to our holiday since we will be rendez-vous-ing with my bestie Rebecca and her whole family! I think there will be lots of treasure hunting and shopping in our future...
But even leaving for the holidays can't stop me from adding some holiday magic. I picked up this mirror at a thrift store recently and decided to go with a dramatic glossy paint. A little out of character but it feels just right in the dining room now.
You may recall that the dresser was formerly in our entry way but I am soooo over wiping it down and vaccuuming under it constantly as the stairs progress...
We are living amongst a pile of boxes as the hardwood has to acclimate itself to the humidity inside but we are happy to be in the home stretch. We are pretty confident in our floor installation skills after doing so many other rooms so it is exciting to be back in our comfort zone!

And don't forget to get your last minute entries in for the blog redesign!!