Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dip Dyed Table

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Is your inner mermaid dying to make a break for it too after yesterday's post? Mine made a little leap for freedom on Monday when Wren and I made a day out of painting our recent finds.

My score was this $10 table and hers was a school desk my mom passed down to us (which I'll try to remember and show here soon)
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She went with a soft purple, I went with Tropical Dream by Behr.
Since we only wanted to add a slight hue to our otherwise white items I bought the sample pot sizes. 
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A coat of high gloss spray paint on everything, although not too thick where I planned on doing the dip dye was all the prep this project needed. Mainly just because I'm cheap and didn't feel like wasting paint.
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My assistant was in full purple mode as we tackled this project together. She definitely commits when she decides to.
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A little painters tape and some light brush strokes was all it took to get the dip-dyed effect. Could I actually have dipped it? I guess, but that seems like a freaking massive amount of work and paint for such a small project. Plus I imagine that to sound like a great idea until you lift the furniture out of the paint and have to deal with runs and drips everywhere. So a good brush and $5 in paint sounded more on my level. 
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I love the subtle, not too bright color of this minty-sea foam hue.
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I don't want to get too crazy, because not much would hold it's own against this rug, but a little color is creeping into here at a slow and not-too-frightening pace. Of course I still require all my basic elements to feel light and bright. But some unoffending hits of color don't seem to be throwing me off yet.
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Have you 'dip dyed' anything yet? I have another small table I'm going to give it a go on in Wren's room I liked this one so much!


christine, just bella said...

ok, my inner mermaid is totally in love with this!! That touch of minty goodness is awesome... I could see this getting very addicting :)

Unknown said...

I love this..... I'm thinking of all those pine stools I see outside charity shops.... I feel a project coming on!!

Y Mama said...

One day I'm going to have a white house too...But right now I am outnumbered by dirty paws, ketchup faces, muddy baseball pants, blueberry hands, and grass covered golf cleats. I love to use white where ever I can...for now bleach is my friend! The stool is adorable!

Rita said...

I love this project! I am kicking myself now for not buying a couple of bistro chairs a few weeks back for $3 each at a thrift store. Those would have been so cute dipped.
Have a lovely day!


Allison said...

So pretty Holly! Love the hint of color....that minty green is so calming. Your house is gorgeous!! Really like the light purple your daughter chose. What color is that?

tiffany nicole said...

I love this trend! And this table you did looks so cute--I really love the subtle color you chose. You are introducing bits of color beautifully! I used a dip dyed bench in a clients home a couple months ago and did some little wooden spoons for ava's bday party a few weeks ago. I'm a little obsessed with it right now!!

Kristine at The Painted Hive said...

Lovin' the dip dyed treatment at the mo'. That minty goodness is yummy.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Totally FAB.

Sammy said...

Now that is cool and I've seen a chair painted that way!

kaylan said...

just playing i spy and see that beautiful coral pillow from chapters! i managed to snag a navy blue one as they were clearancing out and it range up at $3! cheapest, and maybe the best, pillow in my collection. i love the woven texture while being a solid colour.

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