Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Questions Answered!

Wondering where to start with your first DIY makeover? Not sure how to get the finish you are going for? In an attempt to address your questions fairly and quickly we have started a new email address:

For a small fee I will answer your most pressing questions in a quick and precise manner!

Not sure what color or type of paint to use or if you have the correct tools? I will help you out and get you on the right path, answering any question that can be summed up in 3 sentances or less for only $5 (per question). You will receive my response within only 24 hours of paypal payment confirmation.

For your more detailed questions, or a full plan of attack for any furniture makeover from start to finish I will be happy to tackle your toughest issues! Be sure to send any and all pertinent info and photos so I can be as thorough as possible. For only $15 (per piece of furniture or dilema) I will be happy to get back to you within 48 hours or confirmed paypal payment.

Unfortunately I am unable to answer any business start-up questions~

As usual, for those of you interested in design consulatations and e-decorating please continue to contact me through me 2 existing emails.

I look forward to working with you!


Unknown said...

Are you kidding me?

The White City Project said...

You can't be serious. $5?! I enjoy your site, but I can google the same info for *free*.

Beth said...

Totally agree with previous poster! I can't believe you would actually want to charge for those type questions!

Unknown said...

Oy! I am not feeling the love today LOL. I totally understand it isn't a popular decision. But due to the large volume of emails I receive daily currently no one is receiving a response (otherwise my family would never see me!). I am by no means looking to get rich quick or profit off of info you can easily google. These options are more for the people who email me with a specific problem they have encountered in their projects, or for further details on how to acheive certain finishes. Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it!

Becky said...

I am really surprised by this post! It seems very strange to charge for such a thing.

Maggie said...

Wow, kind of sad you felt you needed to do this as opposed to simply explaining why you can't answer the multitude of questions by way of a simple post. Hope you reconsider.

The S's beach house said...

I can imagine you receive a lot of questions; so i think you deserved to be paid. It is much harder to get favors done than it is to get a job done! Including these questions to your job will allow people to get the answers they wanted quicker. For those of you who can "google" it then "google" it!

oneblessedmama said...

I DO enjoy your blog, but was very surprised to see this recent post. Many other bloggers do have similiar issues, with many questions, and have tastefully dealt wih them in a series of posts on the most popular questions- Example-
'If you DONT sand before you paint, how does the finish not bleed through?' etc. What a great idea to show your readers you appreciate them, instead of coming across as wanting to use them? And these same bloggers who share threir how to still have plenty of sales... Or You could do an Ebook and charge for a full book... The Nester has a great one out...

Unknown said...

Oneblessedmama, I have considered an e-book and have actually taken some steps to get it started soon. Of course, e-books come with a price tag and most are more than $5. I really do appreciate each and every reader, which is why I have taken the time to give as much info as possible in my FAQ and DIY links. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone, or made them feel unwelcome here In The Fun Lane, you are all dearly loved and I cherish everyone's comments~

Krystie said...

I guess being popular, and everyone loving what you do does come at a price. I can't blame ya, I just wouldn't be on the other end paying someone to answer a question that obviously I could figure out after some research or trial and error. You will get bashed for this because everyone wants something for nothing, but do what you gotta do girl ;)

Anonymous said...

I say charge away...seriously people it takes up her valuable time and knowledge! What she is charging is minimal....Think of the amount of time it is actually taking and her hourly pay...People pay for a lot more money for a designer and you are actually getting information for way cheaper...and if you think you can just google it, then do so...but if you want something to look like what she has to offer then ask her and pay the minimal price...seriously...I feel you Holly, I have my own cottage sales and re-do furniture myself....it takes a lot of time and effort and for people to think that you should just give it away or your information/time for free really bothers me!

Unknown said...

I, for one, will be happy to pay! I know $5 in information will probably save me a lot of time and money in mistakes. I see a lot of other popular blogs charging for these sorts of services (at much higher prices) so I don't see what the big deal is.
Good luck!

Ali said...

I am surprised by this. It seems a bit like an April Fool's joke.
I think your blog is likely one of the reasons you are so successful in your business. I think everyone likes your blog so much b/c you are generous with your advice, etc.
I thought you were handling the multitude of questions very well before by answering the most popular questions when you could and creating faq. To me, this makes your blog lose a lot of it's charm.
Well..... good luck to you.

Kari --- said...

I think the big thing is, charging for an opinion, but not be a certified designer, kwim? I mean, my aunt is a very successful interior designer, and charges a lot... but she's got credentials.

I don't know, however it works out, it's where freedom comes in, eh? If ppl are willing to pay, then go for it!!! :) We have to remember, we're not being forced to pay to read the blog, only if we want specific consult services :) I do quite a number by word of mouth, friends, etc...

Angelica said...

Good for you Holly!! I'm sure this was a tough decision to make because I know first-hand what a helpful and genuinely kind person you are. I know if you could, I'm sure you would answer every question you get - but you can't possibly deal with the volume. You have a life and a beautiful family. It's funny that people are recommending that you do exactly what you have already done and answer the most frequently asked question in blog posts. Your blog is well laid out for people to find the info they want. When it comes down to it, you are doing the blogging world a huge FREE service by sharing your beautiful work and you don't owe anyone anything! XO

Randi said...

I agree with shabby to chic designs...you're a great designer and should be getting paid for what many of us who have been lucky enough to work with you know is well worth it!!! I guess some people have a hard time understanding what it means to run a full time business with NO assistant (unless you count your adorable side kick Wren).

I would gladly pay for an ounce of your talent...

everydaymomma said...

wow,there was another blogger who did this exact thing she started at like 8.00 for a paint question or simple how do and she went up to i think 45.00 or 75.00 for more detailed questions.She recieved ALOT of angry commenters until she removed the 8.00 charge and continue the other charges.I for one completly understand this reasoning, you have a family to raise and you are already running this blog and your buisness,I am sorry the readers i thought were such "fans" would get so angry with you.Keep on doing what your doing:)thanks Holly!

Anonymous said...

Gee girls????? It's not like you have to pay to read the blog! I for one admire you and your talent. Would I pay to get a question answered? No.I'm more of a trial and error girl. Yes, more errors, ha. You do your best and it shows in your blog which is beautiful by the way.O, and your daughter is also beautiful and brings a smile to my face every time you show her to us. Man, I miss those days! Do your thing. <3 Donna

Anonymous said...

I understand you being overwhelmed BECAUSE you're so good at what you do but I think you should just keep on doing what you're doing by answering your most frequently asked questions in your FAQ portion of your blog. If someone wants personal attention, go ahead and charge for that but for us lowly masses, keep it real. I certainly can't justify to my husband paying $5 to someone asking for a paint color, especially when we're struggling with the economy. Maybe you could do something like "I used finish A to do this piece" and then have a "finish A" tutorial, something that can cover multiple pieces.

october_21 said...

I live in England so could never actually purchase any Whiteberry items but I started reading the blog last year and enjoyed seeing the finds, watching the transformations and seeing how you then incorporate the pieces into your home. I also love your creative ideas such as your Halloween display, always very inspirational! I can see why your latest business move has irritated some people, perhaps it will make the blogs seem a bit more contrived in order to sell your items rather than a dedication to sharing your beautiful home with those interested in your enthusiasm for renovation and creativity.

Recreating Wonderland said...

I totally see how this is a touchy subject. An E-Book would probably be the best way to go. Maybe you could do different volumes for different DIY projects? I would expect readers to want to pay for a manual rather than 1 question. Your blog has been so successful thus far...I wouldn't change a thing. But E-Books or E-Manuals would be great and I'd pay more than $5 for one! I'm sure you'll figure it out and it will be great!


Created By Charlotte said...

Holly... Im sure this took a lot of time and thinking to make this final decision and good for you!!! You have an amazing talent and I'm sure you receive tons of emails all day but you have a family to take care of and do not have the time to respond to every single email. Readers should try searching google for an answer and then if they still can not find it email you. I think $5 is a great price for a piece of advise and can save a huge mess/error on the project. At the end of the day you have a family to feed...

But please please please continue to give us DIY tips through out your blog.

Good Luck to you and I will continue to love your blog and all your hard work

Abby said...

That is so off-putting. I think the magic of the blog world is that the information is free and shared. I agree with some of the previous posters that you should answer some commonly asked questions and direct readers to those answers. I do enjoy your blog- a lot! But it does seem like it's becoming an afterthought...

amanda said...

very, very weird. maybe you should consider a storefront and charge $5per person that walks in.

Momma Rhyne said...

Kuddos to you!! I love what you are doing, you are my "envy blog"... I just need a garage, LOL. But, if someone doesn't want to pay $5, then they can "google" it. I, for one, think that it is a good decision. If you are going to have to spend time away from your baby girl and your family to help others, I think that should come at a cost. Just like people don't expect you to re-sell your finished projects at the cost of what you bought them for.
I'm actually quite angry at the other posters for being SOOO SELFISH, thinking they should get things for free and YOU are the one that has to pay for it. You are a great designer with great ideas, I think you deserve way more than $5. I know it was probably a hard decision, knowing the ridicule you would get (see above, LOL) but stay strong. :-D

Sarah said...

It's really quite simple. If you want personal advice, then pay the asking price. If you don't, then don't ask and don't pay!
There is nothing wrong with asking to be paid for professional advice.
Enjoy the blog as is, and use (or don't use) the service she is offering. I am so appreciative of the time and effort put into your blog, and feel like I'm getting so much for FREE. Then if I want to take it a step further and pay for additional advice I will, and if not I won't- it's really that simple!!

Barbie said...

And by the way, other bloggers are doing this and still are popular so don't let it get to you.

Barbie said...

I would pay in a heartbeat! I am not sure what is up with all of the complaints. Jealousy maybe? I seriously don't get it. Either you pay and get some advice or you choose not to. Simple as that. Why does everyone feel that their opinion should matter.

Volume23 said...

Holly, i totally agree with what you have decided to do...It's your time and you should be paid for all of them... Plus if you were to get a designer to consult with you for a few questions, they charge you a crapload! I think what you have done is only fair... noot to mention the time and trial and error you have had to put through to get the right way... Like you said in your story running and managing a business( let alone when you have kids) is tricky...:) Good Luck and i still love your blog and your work!

Unknown said...

I am literally laughing at some of these comments! Especially the storefront one and charging people to walk inside. This blog operates as a store front and she's obviously not charging you to browse around it (aka, come inside) and get advice from previous blog posts!

For everyone bashing Holly and saying how they can get the same advice for "free" on google, GO FOR IT! no one is stopping you!

People need to stop complaining and be thankful that she doesnt make this blog a subscription service, which she very well could!

I think this is an excellent move and a better way to cut back on the email overload and help those in serious want of your help!

Unknown said...

Love your blog and love all the items you have given new life to and saved from our landfills. Your photos and projects continue to inspire me and I have shared some of your transformation ideas with young couples in our family, as inspiration to work on their own projects.

Momma Rhyne said...

AMEN to Torri!! I totally feel like I am getting so much inspiration for free already. It takes a lot of time to take the pictures, upload the pictures, before and after and write a blog about it.

And I'm still laughing about the storefront.... that doesn't even make sense.

alikaye said...

Good for you Holly...I love the general advice you give on the blog, but I would be totally happy to pay a small amount for some personalised service...as will everything in life, if you want a personalised service you pay a little more...that is where the quality comes from!

Magic Brush said...

OMGosh...... I am just appalled by some of these comments. Google away for free ladies!!!!!!!

Holly has a home, a husband, a child and a business to run!!! My guess would be most of you don't work for free. She shouldn't either. Seriously... my blood is boiling for you!!!!!!!

More and more I am being asked to come to people's home under the guise of "a faux consult". The reality is they want me to play "designer" for free of course and pick out tile, granite, wall color, fabric, etc.

It doesn't feel good to get taken advantage of.

nancymc73 said...

Hi Holly,

Wondering if you are still offering this service as I have e-mailed you a couple of times and have not gotten a response. Maybe you are not getting my questions or maybe I need to pay through pay pal first. I am confused. Please let me know what I am doing wrong! Thanks!


The Nester said...

crap, just wrote a big long comment where I went on and on and lost it.

Basically, if you can google the info then stop asking Holly.

If it's important enough to get Holly's good advice, because she is awesome and you trust her opinion, it's certainly worth paying her a few dollars for one on one attention.


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