All that glitters is not gold, but it sure looks like it, right? I discovered these treasures at Goodwill last week thinking they were too cute to leave, even if they are plastic replicas. At the very worst I could always pop out the mirrors and do a chalk board or something. I am hoping at least one will look good in our powder room, but that is where you come in!
Here is our existing mirror. Boring, right?

This is probably the hardest picture I have ever taken! And talk about a freaky looking arm, I had no idea I even had a weird elbow dimple...But my two concerns are:
1. All our hardware is chrome, will a gold mirror look crazy?
2. Is it too small?

So here are the options, PLEASE share your thoughts!
1. Leave existing mirror
2. Paint existing mirror frame
3. Use oval mirror
4. Paint oval mirror some other color and use it
5. Use curvy mirror
6. Paint curvy mirror and use it
7. None of the above, look for a new mirror altogether.
Hope you have a gold and glittery kind of day~