While looking for tile recently at our local big box hardware store we found an identical version by Hathaway (The picture shows the 4 inch faucet, but it is available in 8 inch like the Kohler). At only $200 we thought we hit the jackpot, but things only got better after we took it to the check out and Surprise! it was on clearance for only $120!!! Now we just need to find a faucet~
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Look For Less: Pedestal Sink
While browsing a local bathroom showroom I fell in love with this square Kohler pedestal sink. Too bad the unit ran well over $1000, not including a faucet.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A little birdie says hello!
Thank you so much all for your well wishes and lovely comments! We have had a wonderful first week with our little lady. She is an absolute dream baby and we are all adjusting well (Rosy has claimed her as her baby). She is still a tiny mite, but the doctor was pleased that she is back up to her birth weight at her appointment today. Until I can figure out my new camera and get the pics off of there here are a few of her and her bunny, and the same bunny next to Rosy (who is about 10lbs). It definitely must seem like a big world when you are only 5 lbs! LOL
Monday, December 22, 2008
Long Time, No Blog
Talk about taking on a lot this holiday season! Thursday, December 18 was like any other besides the fact that I felt a little off, but I chalked it up to all the craziness happening around the house. Around 9 pm Sean arrived home to me sitting on the couch watching TV, feeling pretty useless, which is very uncharacteristic of me. By midnight we were getting ready for bed when I complained to him that I had a weird dull ache in my abdomin and chest area.
At 3 am I woke up to the same pain except it felt very persistant and much stronger. I took a 2 hour jacuzzi and tried some Tums as well as stretching with no relief. At this point Sean urged me to go to the ER, so off we went around 6am on Friday morning. We were expecting to be looked at, maybe given something for indigestion and sent on our merry way. We were WRONG!
Within moments of arriving I felt light headed and a quick check on my blood pressure showed elevated readings so they called my OB and set us up for observation. Over the course of the next 8 hours they ran a variety of tests, exams and regular checks on my blood pressure which would fluctuate from normal (110 over 80) to dangerously high (184 over 110). All signs were pointing to it being non-pregnancy related, but a quick check at about noon surprisingly showed that I was experiencing contractions and was 2cm dialated. After going the last 35 weeks and 4 days with no signs or symptoms of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension they discovered that I had severe Toxemia.
At 2 pm they told us that we would be having a baby, and probably before midnight! We were worried, excited, stressed and scared. We had no idea how big she would be or whether I would deteriorate any further. I was put on an IV with Citocin and the doctor broke my water around 5:30 pm. Over the next couple of hours things felt good, I had little to no pain during contractions and I was staying positive. Around 7pm things took a turn for the worse when my blood pressure started going dangerously high. A specialist was brought in and determined I had a very high risk of having a stroke or seizure at this point and that it was basically life or death to decide whether I would be put on various medications knowing that I would have a limited time to progress, or left to try and labor on my own. We obviously chose the medications! I was still determined to go natural and refused all pain meds offered which was a decision that I am glad I made, but we were later told by doctors that the anesthesiologist actually refused to do an epidural for me ahead of time due to concerns that my blood platlets were so low and would potentially not clot. If things didn't go well our only option was a general anesthetic C-Section.
Despite my strong claims that I was experiencing frequent and strong contractions they were not appearing on any monitors and the team began to worry that things were not progressing. To their amazement I had gone from 3 centimeters at 7pm to 8 centimeters by 9:15. At 9:30 I insisted that I needed to push and off we went. 31 minutes later Wren Berry B**** was born!
It was all very scary as they had a team of 5 from the NICU in the room waiting for her as well as various other specialists. Due to her size and age they had to whisk her away pretty much immediately. After delivering the placenta they determined that it had an additional lobe and they were unsure if it all passed. Over the next 40 minutes they worked hard to stop the bleeding, but nothing seemed to help so the decision was made to rush me off to surgery to do all they could to stop any further bleeding and remove any remaining placenta. After this everything was a blur to me. Sean stayed with Wren until I came out of surgery and woke up. He showed me pictures of her and told me how pretty she is, but that she was smaller and less developed than they had expected and that she was looking at a 2 week stay in the NICU. The next several hours were still a blur until I got to hold my baby for the first time at 6 am for 10 minutes which was the most amazing feeling. I was also told that due to the blood loss I would probably need transfusions later that day once I was stable, but that I would be spending my Birthday and Christmas in the hospital.
At 10 am I received the best birthday present ever. Wren had learned to regulate her temperature and breathing and would be allowed to go to the nursery and would leave when I was able to as well!!! Thankfully I also seemed to do really well, and they held off on the transfusion and continued to monitor me. I feel so much better and was released today (December 22), a full week ahead of schedule.
Overall, it was the scariest couple of days of our lives but we are so thankful that everything turned out well and we are all together and healthy! Sean was absolutely amazing through everything and I feel so lucky to have someone there to support me and the decisions we made. I could tell how hard it was for him to be so scared and yet stay so strong for me. Wren already has him wrapped around her finger.
Hopefully we will be feeling better in the next couple of days and will share a ton of pics ASAP!
At 3 am I woke up to the same pain except it felt very persistant and much stronger. I took a 2 hour jacuzzi and tried some Tums as well as stretching with no relief. At this point Sean urged me to go to the ER, so off we went around 6am on Friday morning. We were expecting to be looked at, maybe given something for indigestion and sent on our merry way. We were WRONG!
Within moments of arriving I felt light headed and a quick check on my blood pressure showed elevated readings so they called my OB and set us up for observation. Over the course of the next 8 hours they ran a variety of tests, exams and regular checks on my blood pressure which would fluctuate from normal (110 over 80) to dangerously high (184 over 110). All signs were pointing to it being non-pregnancy related, but a quick check at about noon surprisingly showed that I was experiencing contractions and was 2cm dialated. After going the last 35 weeks and 4 days with no signs or symptoms of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension they discovered that I had severe Toxemia.
At 2 pm they told us that we would be having a baby, and probably before midnight! We were worried, excited, stressed and scared. We had no idea how big she would be or whether I would deteriorate any further. I was put on an IV with Citocin and the doctor broke my water around 5:30 pm. Over the next couple of hours things felt good, I had little to no pain during contractions and I was staying positive. Around 7pm things took a turn for the worse when my blood pressure started going dangerously high. A specialist was brought in and determined I had a very high risk of having a stroke or seizure at this point and that it was basically life or death to decide whether I would be put on various medications knowing that I would have a limited time to progress, or left to try and labor on my own. We obviously chose the medications! I was still determined to go natural and refused all pain meds offered which was a decision that I am glad I made, but we were later told by doctors that the anesthesiologist actually refused to do an epidural for me ahead of time due to concerns that my blood platlets were so low and would potentially not clot. If things didn't go well our only option was a general anesthetic C-Section.
Despite my strong claims that I was experiencing frequent and strong contractions they were not appearing on any monitors and the team began to worry that things were not progressing. To their amazement I had gone from 3 centimeters at 7pm to 8 centimeters by 9:15. At 9:30 I insisted that I needed to push and off we went. 31 minutes later Wren Berry B**** was born!
It was all very scary as they had a team of 5 from the NICU in the room waiting for her as well as various other specialists. Due to her size and age they had to whisk her away pretty much immediately. After delivering the placenta they determined that it had an additional lobe and they were unsure if it all passed. Over the next 40 minutes they worked hard to stop the bleeding, but nothing seemed to help so the decision was made to rush me off to surgery to do all they could to stop any further bleeding and remove any remaining placenta. After this everything was a blur to me. Sean stayed with Wren until I came out of surgery and woke up. He showed me pictures of her and told me how pretty she is, but that she was smaller and less developed than they had expected and that she was looking at a 2 week stay in the NICU. The next several hours were still a blur until I got to hold my baby for the first time at 6 am for 10 minutes which was the most amazing feeling. I was also told that due to the blood loss I would probably need transfusions later that day once I was stable, but that I would be spending my Birthday and Christmas in the hospital.
At 10 am I received the best birthday present ever. Wren had learned to regulate her temperature and breathing and would be allowed to go to the nursery and would leave when I was able to as well!!! Thankfully I also seemed to do really well, and they held off on the transfusion and continued to monitor me. I feel so much better and was released today (December 22), a full week ahead of schedule.
Overall, it was the scariest couple of days of our lives but we are so thankful that everything turned out well and we are all together and healthy! Sean was absolutely amazing through everything and I feel so lucky to have someone there to support me and the decisions we made. I could tell how hard it was for him to be so scared and yet stay so strong for me. Wren already has him wrapped around her finger.
Hopefully we will be feeling better in the next couple of days and will share a ton of pics ASAP!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Out of Order!
To accomodate all our families this holiday we agreed to host Christmas Eve at the last minute (I am silently freaking out inside that we need to get this organized in less than 1 week). Until now our powder room has been in shambles as we slowly removed the wallpaper and floor tiles but knowing that we will have a house full of people and only 1 functioning bathroom out of 3 was not a very inviting thought, so we decided to kick the reno into full gear last night and removed the vanity and toilet (only to discover more ugly wall paper remnants). Tonight we will be installing the floor tiles, tomorrow painting, and Saturday hopefully the new pedestal that has been hanging out in the garage for a month along with the toilet will be back in place and we will have a couple days to spare. PLEASE wish us luck, because if we don't pull it off we will be ushering bathroom traffic up to our master bedroom all night...
Almost 36 Weeks
I cannot believe the Holidays are here (any my birthday, hence my name LOL). We have just a little over 4 weeks until the little lady is set to arrive, assuming she doesn't come early or late. It is starting to feel real and is just hitting us that these are our last few weeks as just the 2 of us, and how much our lives are about to change. It is funny because we are so excited that we cannot wait to meet her, and then part of us want to slow down time to enjoy these last moments of peace and quiet. Do you think she looks lower? I feel like she is and we are taking bets on whether she comes early.

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ripped Ribbon Results
I got around to picking up some linen on super sale at the fabric store after work on Thursday and tore off about 15 lengths in verious widths to try and recreate the perfectly imperfect shabby chic bows shown a few posts below. It was definitely the missing touch the tree needed to add a little character and who can argue with the insanely affordable price? It actually inspired me to perhaps go back and buy some more to use as the ribbon on all our gifts. I also wandering into the back yard and clipped a few lengths of evergreen to mount above the window for an extra festive touch!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Puppy Love!!
While browsing the Gucci website (MAJOR sale on now!!!) I saw this bag and immediately fell in love. Of course it is one of the few items not on sale...
Isn't it cute????
Regal Ribbon
If you have received the December issue of Country Living then I am sure you have already seen this home and perhaps even drooled over it for a little while (I know I did!). One of the ideas that they used throughout their Holiday decor was that their ribbons were shabbily riped and torn pieces of fabric instead of perfectly clipped lengths of silk grosgrain. I still think our tree is lacking something so tonight I am heading to the fabric store to recreate some of these shabby (and very cheap!) ribbons, pics to come!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Snowy Owls
I discovered the most wonderful greenhouse/home decor store last week, and while I wanted to buy at least one of everything, I desperately wanted one of these gorgeous owls:

At the time I had no where to put it and therefore could not justify the $25-$40 price tags. Well, I must have had a little Karma coming my way because while strolling through Home Goods on Saturday I found this little cutie for a whopping $5.99! So I popped her on a branch and threw her on a cake stand covered by a garden cloche.
O' Christmas Tree
We had to break out our 10 foot latter to get half the ornaments on the tree, but my fear of not having nearly enough ornaments to cover this giant tree turned out not to be an issue. Sadly I somehow had 3 really beautiful antique ornaments that were broken when I opened all the boxes (must have happened in the move). The one thing we really need to get done now is all our wrapping! I have quite a few presents hidden around the house from Sean as well as all the gifts for our families to wrap. I am also thinking of doing a garland around the window in the living room and down the stair case, but will have to see if I have enough energy to pull it off LOL.
(Don't you love our crooked star?)

(Don't you love our crooked star?)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wall Stall
Now that I have a few finished rooms to play with I am at a complete loss of what to do with all these walls! I don't want to mess up the lovely new paint and end up patching a ton of holes yet, I want to try some new and fun ideas! One thing I am definitely on the hunt for is a huge beveled mirror like this one for the living room:
(photo from ShakinStyle)
I have no idea where this would work in our house, but I think it is such a cute and fresh take on plates on the wall:
(photo from ShakinStyle)
And if you found a ton of cool fabrics at Tonic Living, but don't know what to do with them, here are a couple really simple and inexpensive ideas for freshening up any wall:
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ready, Set, Decorate!
We got all our living room furniture back in the living room last night, and it was nice to finally enjoy an evening in one of our "Finished" rooms. To top the night off we made a trip down to the tree lot to pick out a Christmas Tree, which was perfect since it was the first heavy snowfall of the year! After spending about 20 minutes humming and hawing over the different trees we found this beauty and took her home. She still has a little "relaxing" to do, but we think she fits perfectly (although maybe next year we will go a little bigger!).

I will have to go out and get quite a few more strands of lights, but we will hopefully be back on Monday with pics of our finished project.
I will have to go out and get quite a few more strands of lights, but we will hopefully be back on Monday with pics of our finished project.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas is in the air...
At our house and while I wish it was in the form of a fresh balsam Christmas Tree (not until this weekend!), currently it is just the new christmas tree Wall Flower from Bath and Body Works. Even though it isn't the real thing yet it has me excited to get decorating for the holidays! Thanks to some inspiration from one of my favorite magazines here are some ideas I would love to try, assuming we get our furniture set up already:

(Photos from House & Home magazine)

(Photos from House & Home magazine)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Finally Finished (or at least about 98% done)
With the exception of getting the chandelier hung today we are finally done with the nursery! I still have a few little bits and bobs I want to add, but if she decided to make her entrance tomorrow I can finally say we are ready!
I made the doves out of a Martha Stewart wrapping paper that matched the bedding colors perfectly and just used painters tape to put them on the wall.
Just a few more weeks!
It is getting tough to find a good nights sleep since I am regularly a back sleeper and find it hard to sleep for more than an hour or two on my side, but thankfully I only have a few weeks left. I am not so secretly hoping that she will make her debut around 37 or 38 weeks, but even if she doesn't I can look forward to some quality sleep (probably not a lot of it though) in 7 weeks. I also caved in and bought 2 maternity shirts last week from H&M, but they are fairly basic so I am sure I will still wear them afterwards, but things are definitely getting tighter as far as clothing options are concerned
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